0 | 81 | 129 | 66 | 168 | 76 | 74 | 120 | 329 | 90 | 10 | 190 | 17 | 173 | 139 | 9 | 280 | 350 | 214 | 206 | 274 | 214 | 273 | 9 | 269 | 55 | 9 | 311 | 55 | 9 | 91 | 150 | 210 | 74 | 21 | 80 | 55 | 64 | 7 | 9 | 116 | 150 | 9 | 37 | 0 |
40. | Who | calls | us | Thelemites | will | do | no | wrong, | if | he | look | but | close | into | the | word. | For | there | are | therein | Three | Grades, | the | Hermit, | and | the | Lover, | and | the | man | of | Earth. | Do | what | thou | wilt | shall | be | the | whole | of | the | Law. |
Bethsheba Comment:
Thelemites + no + wrong + θέλημα = 710. See 1:3.
Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Djeridensis Comment
Thelemites defined: the three Degrees of Attainment.
We who accept this Law may rightly be called Thelemites, if this word be defined in terms of its secret values, as in the case of the word Thelema itself. There are three real Grades in the Order, as distinct from the formal Grades of the A∴A∴, and these Three Grades are described in my Book called The Vision and the Voice, and elsewhere.
The Law stated and explained.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law — That is: the Law of a man’s Nature is to fulfil the purpose for which he is truly fitted.
The Old Comment
Θε {Theta-epsilon}, the Hermit, י {Yod} invisible, yet illuminating. The A ∴ A ∴
λη {lambda-eta}, the Lover, ז {Zain} visible as is the lightning flash. The College of Adepts.
… μα {mu-alpha}, the Man of Earth, פּ {Pe} the Blasted Tower. The 3 Keys add up to 31 = לא {Lamed-Aleph} Not and אל {Aleph-Lamed} God. Thus is the whole of Θελημα {Thelema} equivalent to Nuit, the all-embracing.
See the Tarot Trumps for further study of these grades.
Θε {Theta-epsilon} = 14, the Pentagram, rule of Spirit over ordered Matter. Strength and Authority (ט {Teth} and ה {He}) and secretly 1 + 4 = 5, the Hierophant ו {Vau}. V. Also: ♌ ♈ {Leo Aries}, the Lion and the Ram. "Cf." Isaiah. It is a "millennial" state.
λη {lambda-eta} = 38, the Key-word Abrahadabra, 418, divided by the number of its letter, 11. Justice or Balance and the Charioteer or Mastery. A state of progress; the church militant.
μα {mu-alpha} = 41, the Inverted Pentagram, matter dominating spirit. The Hanged Man and the Fool. The condition of those who are not adepts.
"Do what thou wilt" need not only be interpreted as licence or even as liberty. It may for example be taken to mean Do what thou (Ateh) wilt; and Ateh is 406 = תו {Taw-Vau} = T, the sign of the cross. The passage might then be read as a charge to self-sacrifice or equilibrium.
I only put forward this suggestion to exhibit the profundity of thought required to deal even with so plain a passage.
All the meanings are true, if only the interpreter be illuminated; but if not, they are all false, even as he is false.
(P.S. There was a sub-intention in the above paragraphs for the benefit of – Dwarfs!)
The New Comment
It is explained in Liber 418 that: "The man of earth is the adherent. The lover giveth his life unto the work among men. The hermit goeth solitary, and giveth only of his light unto men."
Thus we have in the Order, the Mystic, the Magician, and the Devotee. These correspond closely to the Nuit – Hadit – Ra-Hoor-Khuit Triad.
This last sentence of this paragraph is in a sense the sum of this whole Book; for it is the threefold Book of Law. It is therefore the Message of the Beast, His word as a Magus that He must utter. It will be well therefore to reprint the substance of the Message which he first promulgated on his formal initiation into that Grade.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."
"There is no Law beyond Do what thou wilt."
Θελημα {THELEMA} – Thelema – means Will.
The Key to this Message is this word – Will. The first obvious meaning of this Law is confirmed by antithesis; "The Word of Sin is Restriction."
Again: "… thou hast no right but to do thy will. Do that, and no other shall say nay. For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect."
Take this carefully; it seems to imply a theory that if every man and every woman did his and her will – the true Will – there would be no clashing. "Every man and every woman is a star.", and each star moves in an appointed path without interference. There is plenty of room for all; it is only disorder that creates confusion.
From these considerations it should be clear that "Do what thou wilt" does not mean "Do what you like." It is the apotheosis of Freedom; but it is also the strictest possible bond.
Do what thou wilt – then do nothing else. Let nothing deflect thee from that austere and holy task. Liberty is absolute to do thy will; but seek to do any other thing whatever, and instantly obstacles must arise. Every act that is not in definite course of that one orbit is erratic, an hindrance. Will must not be two, but one.
Note further that this will is not only to be pure, that is, single, as explained above, but also "unassuaged of purpose". This strange phrase must give us pause. It may mean that any purpose in the will would damp ti; clearly, the "lust of result" is a thing from which it must be delivered.
But the phrase may also be interpreted as if it read "with purpose unassuaged" – i.e. with tireless energy. The conception is, therefore, of an eternal motion, infinite and unalterable. It is Nirvana, only dynamic instead of static – and this comes to the same thing in the end.
The obvious practical task of the magician is then to discover what his will really is, so that he may do it in this manner, and he can best accomplish this by the practices of Liber Thisarb (see Equinox I, VII, 105) or such others as may from one time to another be appointed.
It should not be perfectly simple for everybody to understand the Message of the Master Therion.
Thou must (1) Find out what is thy Will, (2) Do that Will with (a) one-pointedness, (b) detachment, (c) peace.
Then, and then only, art thou in harmony with the Movement of Things, thy will part of, and therefore equal to, the Will of God. And since the will is but the dynamic aspect of the self, and since two different selves could not possess identical wills; then, if thy will be God's will, Thou art That.
There is but one other word to explain. Elsewhere it is written – surely for our great comfort – "Love is the law, love under will."
This is to be taken as meaning that while Will is the Law, the nature of that Will is Love. But this Love is as it were a by-product of that Will; it does not contradict or supersede that Will; and if apparent contradiction should arise in any crisis, it is the Will that can guide us aright. Lo, while in the Book of the Law is much Love, there is no word of Sentimentality. Hate itself is almost like Love! Fighting most certainly is Love! "As brothers fight ye!" All the many races of the world understand this. The Love of Liber Legis is always bold, Virile, even orgiastic. There is delicacy, but it is the delicacy of strength. Mighty and terrible and glorious as it is, however, it is but the pennon upon the sacred lance of Will, the damascened inscription upon the swords of the knightmonks of Thelema.
"Love is the law, love under will."
There are many other mysteries in this Word, so that it is impossible to write a full commentary. The Book Aleph (Wisdom or Folly) is almost wholly devoted to its explanation.
Let every Star see to it that its own life is a wise comment on this word!
"Three grades". There is a very curious parallel to this passage in Mr. Aldous Huxley's "Crome Yellow" Chap. XXII. He works out a theory of a "Rational State" on precisely these lines:
"Mr. Scogan waved away the interruption. 'There's only one thing to be done', he said. 'The men of intelligence must combine, must conspire, and seize power from the imbeciles and maniacs who now direct us. They must found the Rational State'
"The heat that was slowly paralyzing all Denis's mental and bodily faculties seemed to bring to Mr. Scogan additional vitality. he talked with an ever-increasing energy, his hands moved in sharp, quick precise gestures, his eyes shown. Hard, dry, and continuous, his voice went on sounding and sounding in Denis's ears with the insistence of a mechanical noise.
"'In the Rational State', he heard Mr. Scogan saying, 'human beings will be separated out into distinct species, not according to the colour of their eyes or the shape of their skulls, but according to the qualities of their mind and temperament. Examining psychologists, trained to what would now seem an almost superhuman clairvoyance, will test each child that is born and assign it to its proper species. Duly labelled and docketed, the child will be given the education suitable to members of its species, and will be set, in adult life, to perform those functions which human being of his variety are capable of performing.'
"'How many species will there be?' asked Denis."
"'A great many, no doubt,' Mr. Scogan answered: 'the classification will be subtle and elaborate. But is is not in the power of a prophet to go into details, nor is it his business. I will do no more than indicate the three main species into which the subjects of the Rational State will be divided. … The three main species, will be these: the Directing Intelligences, the Men of Faith, and the Herd. Among the Intelligences will be found all those capable of thought, those who know how to attain to a certain degree of freedom – and also, how limited, even among the most intelligent, that freedom is! – from the mental bondage of their time. A select body of Intelligences, drawn from among those who have turned their attention to the problems of practical life, will be the governors of the Rational State. They will employ as their instruments of power the second great species of humanity – the men of Faith, the Madmen, as I have been calling them, who believe in things unreasonably, with passion, and are ready to die for their beliefs and their desires. These wild men, with their fearful potentialities for good or for mischief, will no longer be allowed to react casually to a casual environment. There will be no more Caesar Borgias, no more Luthers and Mohammeds, no more Joanna Southcotts, no more Comstocks. The old-fasioned Man of Faith and Desire, that haphazard creature of brute circumstance, who might drive men to tears and repentance, or who might equally well set them on to cutting one another's throats, will be replaced by a new sort of madman, still externally the same, still bubbling with seemingly spontaneous enthusiasm, but, ah, how very different from the madman of the past! For the new Man of Faith will be expending his passion, his desire, and his enthusiasm in the propagation of some reasonable idea. He will be, all unawares, the tool of some superior intelligence.'
"Mr. Scogan chuckled maliciously: it was as though he were taking a revenge, in the name of reason, on the enthusiasts. 'From their earliest years, as soon, that is, as the examining psychologists have assigned them their place in the classified scheme, the Men of Faith will have had their special education under the eye of the Intelligences. Moulded by a long process of suggestion, they will go out into the world, preaching and practicing with a generous mania the coldly reasonable projects of the Directors from above. When these projects are accomplished, or when the ideas that were useful a decade ago have ceased to be useful, the Intelligences will inspire a new generation of madmen with a new eternal truth. The principal function of the Men of Faith will be to move and direct the Multitude, that third great species consisting of those countless millions who lack intelligence and are without valuable enthusiasm. When any particular effort is required of the Herd, when it is thought necessary, for the sake of solidarity, that humanity shall be kindled and united by some single enthusiastic desire or idea, the Men of Faith, primed with some simple and satisfying creed, will be sent out on a mission of evangelization. At ordinary times, when the high spiritual temperature of a Crusade would be unhealthy, the Men of Faith will be quietly and earnestly busy with the great work of education. In the upbringing of the Herd, humanity's almost boundless suggestibility will be scientifically exploited. Systematically, from the earliest infancy, its members will be assured that there is no happiness to be found except in work and obedience; they will be made to believe that they are happy, that they are tremendously important beings, and that everything they do is noble and significant. For the lower species the earth will be restored to the centre of the universe and man to preeminence on the earth. Oh, I envy the lot of the commonality in the Rational State! Working their eight hours a day, obeying their betters, convinced of their own grandeur and significance and immortality, they will be marvellously happy, happier than any race of men has ever been. They will go through life in a rosy state of intoxication, form which they will never awake. The Men of Faith will play the cup-bearers at this lifelong bacchanal, filling and ever filling again with the warm liquor that the Intelligences, in sad and sober privacy behind the scenes, will brew for the intoxication of their subjects.'"