0 | 16 | 54 | 129 | 150 | 67 | 15 | 64 | 7 | 61 | 15 | 206 | 0 | 129 | 279 | 569 | 9 | 143 | 150 | 9 | 210 | 64 | 7 | 143 | 350 | 216 | 9 | 162 | 64 | 276 | 214 | 70 | 175 | 14 | 64 | 7 | 78 | 130 | 270 | 138 | 86 | 61 | 70 | 216 | 61 | 19 | 67 | 24 | 214 | 206 | 130 | 185 | 50 | 412 | 19 | 51 | 7 | 14 | 339 | 214 | 70 | 1 | 83 | 1 | 83 | 51 | 213 | 75 | 308 | 61 | 10 | 76 | 214 | 70 | 120 | 283 | 83 | 17 | 1 | 214 | 188 | 24 | 75 | 380 | 0 |
58. | Yea! | deem | not | of | change: | ye | shall | be | as | ye | are, | & | not | other. | Therefore | the | kings | of | the | earth | shall | be | Kings | for | ever: | the | slaves | shall | serve. | There | is | none | that | shall | be | cast | down | or | lifted | up: | all | is | ever | as | it | was. | Yet | there | are | masked | ones | my | servants: | it | may | be | that | yonder | beggar | is | a | King. | A | King | may | choose | his | garment | as | he | will: | there | is | no | certain | test: | but | a | beggar | cannot | hide | his | poverty. |
Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other. Therefore the kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve. There is none that shall be cast down or lifted up: all is ever as it was. Yet there are masked ones my servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty.
The Djeridensis Comment
(57-58.) "People who shift their point of view," the Angel repeats, "are not truly themselves." Though each event is change, these changes form a closed curve so that their sum is zero. I have dealt with this subject fully in other writings. The essence of the doctrine is that things are stable only by virtue of their constant change, which is life. To cease to change is to die, which is the one real change that can occur. When it occurs, it proves that true life was never there.
This doctrine is at once applied to the question of the Kings and the slaves. The Angel explains that there are two types of men — the slave can never rise, the king can never fall. Should such things seem to take place, it is a sign of some disguise; the essence of the man, if he be in truth a man, is always the same. It is a point of view which never alters really, though each fresh fact brings it more fully into light. I am told of one case which must not deceive me. I must not assume that a man who seems a beggar is one. He may be a King whose pleasure is to disguise himself. He can, of course, resume his crown and sceptre when he tires of his sport, whereas a beggar has not the means to pretend to be a king. The point of this is that I may find it needful to judge the claims of such men as I may meet; and Aiwass here assures me that I shall find it easy to detect sham kings; but warns me against scorning those who do not flaunt their virtue.
The Old Comment
Yet it does not follow that He (and His) must appear joyous. They may assume the disguise of sorrow.
The New Comment
Again we learn the permanence of the Nature of a Star. We are not to judge by temporary circumstances, but to penetrate to the True Nature.
It has naturally been objected by economists that our Law, in declaring every man and every woman to be a star, reduces society to its elements, and makes hierarchy or even democracy impossible. The view is superficial. Each star has a function in its galaxy proper to its own nature. Much mischief has come from our ignorance in insisting, on the contrary, that each citizen is fit for any and every social duty. But also our Law teaches that a star often veils itself from its nature. Thus the vast bulk of humanity is obsessed by an abject fear of freedom; the principal objections hitherto urged against my Law have been those of people who cannot bear to imagine the horrors which would result if they were free to do their own wills. The sense of sin, shame, self-distrust, this is what makes folk cling to Christianity-slavery. People believe in a medicine just in so far as it is nasty; the metaphysical root of this idea is in sexual degeneracy of the masochistic type. Now "the Law is for all"; but such defectives will refuse it, and serve us who are free with a fidelity the more dog-like as the simplicity of our freedom denotes their abjection.
Even such shallow soapsudmongers as Sir Walter Besant and Mr. James Rice have had an inkling of these ideas. I quote "Ready-Money Mortiboy", Chapter XXIII:
"The big-bearded man stood towering over the children, with his right arm waving them out into the world – where? No matter where: somewhere away: somewhere into the good places of the world – not a boy's heart but was stirred within him: and the brave old English blood rose in them as he spoke, in his deep bass tones, of the worth of a single man in those far-off lands; – and oration destined to bear fruit in after-days, when the lads, who talk yet with bated breath of the speech and the speaker, shall grow to man's estate.
"Dangerous, Dick", said Farmer John. "What should I do without my labourers?"
"Don't be afraid", said Dick. "There are not ten percent have the pluck to go. Let us help them, and you shall keep the rest."
He might have added that the employer would be better off without that percentage of yeast to ferment his infusion of harmless vegetable human.
No one is better aware than I am that the Labour Problem has to be settled by practical and not ideal considerations, but in this case the ideal considerations happen to be extremely practical. The mistake has been in trying to produce a standard article to supply the labour market; it is an error from the point of view of capital and labour alike. Men should not be taught to read and write unless they exhibit capacity or inclination. Compulsory education has aided nobody. It has imposed an unwarrantable constraint on the people it was intended to benefit; it has been asinine presumption on the part of the intellectuals to consider a smattering of mental acquirements of universal benefit. It is a form of sectarian bigotry. We should recognize the fact that the vast majority of human beings have no ambition in life beyond mere ease and animal happiness. We should allow these people to fulfil their destinies without interference. We should give every opportunity to the ambitious, and thereby establish a class of morally and intellectually superior men and women. We should have no compunction in utilizing the natural qualities of the bulk of mankind. We do not insist on trying to train sheep to hunt foxes or lecture on history; we look after their physical well being, and enjoy their wool and mutton. I this way we shall have a contented class of slaves who will accept the conditions of existence as they really are, and enjoy life with the quiet wisdom of cattle. It is our duty to see to it that this class of people lack for nothing. The patriarchal system is better for all classes than any other; the objections to it come from the abuses of it. But bad masters have been artificially created by exactly the same blunder as was responsible for the bad servants. It is essential to teach the masters that each one must discover his own will, and do it. There is no reason in nature for cut-throat competition. All this has been explained previously in other connections; here it is only necessary to emphasize the point. It must be cleanly understood that every man must find his own happiness in a purely personal way. Our troubles have been caused by the assumption that everybody wanted the same things, and thereby the supply of those things has become artificially limited; even those benefits of which there is an inexhaustible store have been cornered. For example, fresh air and beautiful scenery. In a world where everyone did his own will none would lack these things. In our present society, they have become the luxuries of wealth and leisure, yet they are still accessible to any one who possesses sufficient sense to emancipate himself from the alleged advantages of city life. We have deliberately trained people to wish for things that they do not really want.
It would be easy to elaborate this theme at great length, but I prefer to leave it to be worked out by each reader in the light of his own intelligence, but I wish to call the very particular attention of capitalists and labour leaders to the principles here set forth.
four chapters from Liber Aleph which bear on the subject.
De Lege Motus.
"Consider, my Son, that word in the Call or Key of the Thirty Aethyrs: Behold the Face of your God, the Beginning of Comfort, whose eyes are the Brightness of the Heavens, which provided you for the Government of the Earth, and the Unspeakable Variety! And Again: let there be no Creature upon her or within her the same. All her Members let them differ in their Qualities, and let there be no Creature equal with another. Here also is the voice of true Science, crying aloud that Variation is the Key of Evolution. Thereunto Art cometh the third, perceiving Beauty in the Harmony of the Diverse. Know then, o my Son, that all Laws, all Systems, all Customs, all Ideals and Standards which tend to produce uniformity, are in direct opposition to Nature's Will to change and to develop through Variety, and are accursed. Do thou with all thy Might of Manhood strive against these Forces, for they resist Change, which is Life; and thus they are of Death."
De Legibus Contra Motum.
"Say not, in thine Haste, that such Stagnations are Unity even as the last Victory of thy Will is Unity. For thy Will moveth through free Function, according to its particular Nature, to that End of Dissolution of all Complexities, and those Ideals and Standards are Attempts to halt thee on that Way. Although for thee some certain Ideal be upon thy Path, yet for thy Neighbour it may not be so. Set all Men a-horseback; thou speedest the Foot-soldier upon his way, indeed; but what hast thou done to the Bird-man? Thou must have simple Laws and Customs to express the general Will, and so prevent the Tyranny or Violence of a few; but multiply them not! Now then herewith I will declare unto thee the Limits of the civil Law upon the Rock of the Law of Thelema".
De Necessitate Communi.
"Understand first that the Disturbers of the Peace of Mankind do so by Reason of their Ignorance of their own True Wills. Therefore, as this Wisdom of mine increaseth among Mankind, the false Will to Crime must become constantly more rare. Also, the exercise of our Freedom will cause Men to be born with less and ever less Affliction from that Dis-ease of Spirit, which breedeth these false Wills. But, in the While of waiting for this Perfection, thou must by Law assure to every Man a Means of satisfying his bodily and his mental Needs, leaving him free to develop any Super-structure in accordance with his Will, and protecting him from any that may seek to deprive him of these vertebral Rights. There shall be therefore a Standard of Satisfaction, though it must vary in detail with Race, Climate, and other such Conditions. And this Standard shall be based upon a large Interpretation of Facts biological, physiological, and the like".
De Fundamentis Civitatis.
"Say not, o my Son, that in this Argument I Have set Limits to individual Freedom. For each Man in this State which I purpose is fulfilling his own true Will by his eager Acquiescence in the Order necessary to the Welfare of all, and therefore of himself also. But see thou well to it that thou set high the Standard of Satisfaction, and that to every one be a Surplus of Leisure and of Energy, so that, his Will of Self-preservation-being fulfilled by the Performance of his Function in the State, he may devote the Remainder of his Powers to the Satisfaction of the other Parts of his Will. And because the People are oft times unlearned, not understanding Pleasure, let them be instructed in the Art of Life: to prepare Food palatable and wholesome, each to his own Taste, to make Clothes according to Fancy, with variety of Individuality, and to practice the manifold Crafts of Love. These Things being first secured, thou mayst afterward lead them into the Heavens of Poesy and Tale, of Music, Painting, and Sculpture, and into the Lore of the Mind Itself, with its insatiable Joy of all Knowledge, Thence let them soar!"