0 256 231 206 49 74 70 9 37 150 9 56 150 308 70 64 50 369 7 88 50 287 146 0
9. Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! this is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my worship be about my secret house.

Bethsheba Comment:
The 80 is left from verse 3:6;
80 + Lurk - Withdraw + Upon them = 360 ; presumably degrees which is the circumference of a circle. In other words the Battle of Conquest is everywhere around & external to the secret house.
Note that Lurk, withdraw, upon them are 3 methologies of battle, thus;
3 + 93 (law: θέλημα) + Battle + Conquest = 460. Compare this with;
ראהוור (Ra hoor) + Khut + ב (the letter Beth is a mnemonic for house) = 460.

Appended from Liber 333, chap 19:
That is not which is.
The only Word is Silence.
The only Meaning of that Word is not.
Thoughts are false.
Fatherhood is unity disguised as duality.
Peace implies war.
Power implies war.
Harmony implies war.
Victory implies war.
Glory implies war.
Foundation implies war.
Alas! for the Kingdom wherein all these are at war.

Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! this is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my worship be about my secret house.

The Old Comment
May mystically describe this method ["e.g.", Liber HHH, Section 3].
But the course of history will determine the sense of the passage.

The New Comment
"Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them!" describes the three parts of a certain magical gesture indicative of a formula which has proven very powerful in practical work.

(The events beginning in An XVII Sol in Libra, when I write these words, and ending I do not yet know when, will form a luminous comment on the passage. There is an alternative, taking the beginning as An X sol in Libra, and implying larger periods).

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In memory and tribute to Grand Master Steven Ashe.
כבד אלהים הסתר דבר וכבד מלכים חקר דבר 
"It is the Glory of Elohim to conceal a word and the Glory of Kings to reveal a word"
Narrated by Steven Ashe.