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35. The half of the word of Heru-ra-ha, called Hoor-pa-kraat and Ra-Hoor-Khut.

Bethsheba Comment:
Half + Heru ra ha (418: see Crowley) + Hoor pa kraat + Ra Hoor Khut = 1777.
Re: the commentary, note that Zayin is 7.

The half of the word of Heru-ra-ha, called Hoor-pa-kraat and Ra-Hoor-Khut.

The Old Comment
Note Heru-ra-ha = 418.

The New Comment
Heru-ra-ha combines the ideas of Horus (cf. also 'the great angel Hru' who is set over the Book of Tahuti; see Liber LXXVIII) with those of Ra and Spirit. For He-Aleph is the Atziluthic or archetypal spelling of He, the Holy Ghost. And Ha=6, the number of the Sun. He is also Nuith, H being Her letter.
The language suggests that Heru-Ra-Ha is the 'true Name' of the Unity who is symbolized by the Twins Harpocrates and Horus. Note that the Twin Sign – and the Child Sign – is Gemini, whose letter is Zain, a sword.
The doctrine of the dual character of the God is very important to a proper understanding of Him. "The Sign of the Enterer is always to be followed immediately by the Sign of Silence": such is the imperative injunction to the Neophyte. In Book 4 the necessity for this is explained fully.