0 44 9 313 167 219 90 109 55 449 55 448 95 210 220 90 8 47 50 296 79 89 20 104 325 59 64 50 133 7 196 10 76 101 45 210 52 10 76 111 210 220 10 76 78 210 85 390 95 61 1 346 55 228 315 64 8 245 288 90 20 369 55 19 112 55 329 0
43. Let the Scarlet Woman beware! If pity and compassion and tenderness visit her heart; if she leave my work to toy with old sweetnesses; then shall my vengeance be known. I will slay me her child: I will alienate her heart: I will cast her out from men: as a shrinking and despised harlot shall she crawl through dusk wet streets, and die cold and an-hungered.

Bethsheba Comment:
This is notariqon:
Let The Scarlet Woman Beware. If Pity And Compassion And Tenderness Visit Her Heart If She Leave My Work To Toy With Old Sweetnesses Then Shall My Vengeance Be Known. = 545.

I Will Slay Me Her Child I Will Alienate Her Heart I Will Cast Her Out From Men As A Shrinking And Despised Harlot She Shall Crawl Through Dusk Wet Streets And Die Cold And A Hungered = 555.
545 + 555 = 1100.
Please cross-reference with verses 3:12-15 for 555 & 1:60 for 1100.
Note however that this verse has an error. Shrinking should be Sh(3) not S(60), however I believe 555 is the intended value of the verse given the correlation in 3:12-13. Overlooking a digraph in a long sentence is an easy mistake to make when one is constructing notariqon.

Let the Scarlet Woman beware! If pity and compassion and tenderness visit her heart; if she leave my work to toy with old sweetnesses; then shall my vengeance be known. I will slay me her child: I will alienate her heart: I will cast her out from men: as a shrinking and despised harlot shall she crawl through dusk wet streets, and die cold and an-hungered.

The Old Comment
(43-45.) The two latter verses have become useless, so far as regards the person first indicated to fill the office of "Scarlet Woman." In her case the prophecy of v. 43 has been most terribly fulfilled, to the letter; except the last paragraph. Perhaps before the publication of this comment the final catastrophe will have occurred (Sun in 20 Degree Virgo, An V.). It or an even more terrible equivalent is now in progress (Sun in Libra, An VII.).
["P.S." — I sealed up the MSS. of this comment and posted it to the printer on my way to the Golf Club at Hoylake. On my arrival at the Club, I found a letter awaiting me which stated that the catastrophe had occurred.]
Let the next upon whom the cloak may fall beware!

The New Comment
(43-45.) It is impossible to discuss such passages as these until time has furnished the perspective.
The accounts of certain magical experiments in this line will be found in "The Urn".
This 'child' is not necessarily to be identified with him who 'shall discover the key of it all.'

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In memory and tribute to Grand Master Steven Ashe.
כבד אלהים הסתר דבר וכבד מלכים חקר דבר 
"It is the Glory of Elohim to conceal a word and the Glory of Kings to reveal a word"
Narrated by Steven Ashe.